
  • United States inventor and manufacturer (1846-1914)
  • George (1846–1914), US engineer. He is best known for developing vacuum-operated safety brakes and electrically controlled signals for railroads. He held over 400 patents and built up a huge company to manufacture his products
  • Air brake, also called windjammer
  • (Westinghoused) Electrocution is the stopping of life (determined by a stopped heart) by any type of electric shock.

    pump prices

  • (Pump Price) The self-serve price, including taxes, posted for either gasoline or diesel fuel at a station or store.


  • a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature
  • make hot or hotter; “the sun heats the oceans”; “heat the water on the stove”
  • Make or become hot or warm
  • (of a person) Become excited or impassioned
  • Become more intense and exciting
  • hotness: the presence of heat

westinghouse heat pump prices


The New Westinghouse School, incomplete and way over budget, as seen from the old Westinghouse Career Academy.

Westinghouse Kitchen Clock / Timer TC-81 (1940's -1950's)

Westinghouse Kitchen Clock / Timer TC-81 (1940's -1950's)
Westinghouse Kitchen Clock / Timer TC-81 (1940’s -1950"s)

westinghouse heat pump prices